
WAAE Webinar

Conversations Around the UNESCO Framework for Culture and Education

Web­i­nar Dates:
Tues­day 21 May (times: 8pm NZ, 9am Lon­don, 2am Mexi­co, 4pm Hong Kong, 10am Ger­ma­ny, 12 noon Abu Dha­bi, 6pm Aus­tra­lia, 1.30pm Delhi)

Wed­nes­day 22 May (times: 6pm Ger­ma­ny, 4am NZ, 2am Aus­tra­lia, 5pm Lis­bon, 10am Mexi­co, 8pm Abu Dha­bi, 12am Hong Kong, 12 pm New York)

Aim of each web­i­nar:
The web­i­nars aim to fos­ter open dia­lo­gue or con­ver­sa­ti­on about the UNESCO Frame­work for Cul­tu­re and Arts Edu­ca­ti­on (The Frame­work) that was pro­clai­med in Abu Dha­bi 13–15 Febru­ary 2024.
Each Web­i­nar will be chai­red by dif­fe­rent mem­bers from the WAAE, though the fol­lo­wing topics will occur in both web­i­nars. Each web­i­nar will be approx. one hour long and will be recorded.

The UNESCO Frame­work for Cul­tu­re and Arts Edu­ca­ti­on can be found here:

WAAE Web­i­nar are free to attend, but plea­se regis­ter here to get the link for the events.
Regis­ter here:


Gesellschaft und Politik

Forum Schultheater

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